What is a Lintel? Understanding Its Role Above Windows and Doors

A lintel is a horizontal beam placed above doors and windows to support the weight of the wall or structure above. Without it, the pressure from the wall would cause cracks or even collapse the opening. Lintels are made from various materials, including wood, steel, concrete, and stone, depending on the building’s needs. Types of […]

Why Even New Homes Need a Home Inspection

Buying a newly constructed home might give you the impression that everything is perfect and up to code. After all, it’s brand new, right? While new homes can be a fantastic investment, the truth is that even newly built houses can have issues that might not be obvious without a thorough inspection. Here’s why getting […]

Embracing Texas Values: Family First in Every Home Inspection

In Texas, family comes first, and I bring this value into every home inspection. Treating each home as if it were for my own family or friends, I ensure the utmost care and attention to detail. Here’s why this matters: Family-Centric Approach For Texans, family is everything. A home is more than a building; it’s […]